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John Milton
John Milton (1608–1674) John Cheere (1709–1787) (after)John Milton (1608–1674) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Milton in His 21st Year 1792 Benjamin Vandergucht (1753–1794)Milton in His 21st Year 1792 Milton's Cottage
John Milton (1608–1674) late 17th C British SchoolJohn Milton (1608–1674) late 17th C Victoria and Albert Museum
John Milton (1608–1674), Aged 10 1618 Cornelius Johnson (1593–1661) (copy of)John Milton (1608–1674), Aged 10 1618 Milton's Cottage
'Johannes Milton Anglus' (1608–1674) Giovanni Battista Cipriani (1727–1785) (studio of)'Johannes Milton Anglus' (1608–1674) Milton's Cottage
Portrait of a Man (called 'John Milton, 1608–1674') 20th C Pieter van der Plas (c.1595–c.1650) (after)Portrait of a Man (called 'John Milton, 1608–1674') 20th C The Captain Christie Crawfurd English Civil War Collection
John Milton (1608–1674) 1690 Godfrey Kneller (1646–1723) (attributed to)John Milton (1608–1674) 1690 Milton's Cottage
John Milton (1608–1674) 19th C unknown artistJohn Milton (1608–1674) 19th C Trinity House
John Milton c.1629 unknown artistJohn Milton c.1629 National Portrait Gallery, London
John Milton (1608–1674) 19th C Wedgwood (founded 1759)John Milton (1608–1674) 19th C Bank of England Museum
John Milton (1608–1674) 18th C Edward Pearce (c.1635–1695) (after)John Milton (1608–1674) 18th C Ferens Art Gallery
John Milton as a Child unknown artistJohn Milton as a Child
John Milton (1608–1674) c.1888 Francis Verheyden (1843–1919)John Milton (1608–1674) c.1888 Queen Mary, University of London
John Milton (1608–1674) William Faithorne the elder (1616–1691) (after)John Milton (1608–1674) Burton Constable Hall
John Milton (1608–1674) after 1674 unknown artistJohn Milton (1608–1674) after 1674 National Portrait Gallery, London
John Milton (1608–1674) John Michael Rysbrack (1694–1770) (after)John Milton (1608–1674) National Trust, Hughenden Manor
John Milton (1608–1674) 1865 James Mitchell (1814–1886)John Milton (1608–1674) 1865 Kensington Central Library
The Interview of Milton with Galileo exhibited 1840 Charles Lucy (1814–1873)The Interview of Milton with Galileo exhibited 1840 Shipley Art Gallery
John Milton (1608–1674) 18th C British (English) SchoolJohn Milton (1608–1674) 18th C Ferens Art Gallery
John Milton (1608–1674) c.1800–1803 William Blake (1757–1827)John Milton (1608–1674) c.1800–1803 Manchester Art Gallery