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George V
King of the United Kingdom, 1910-1936.
George V (1865–1936), at Mount Kemmel, South of Ypres, during His Tour of the Western Front, 1917 1917 Frank O. Salisbury (1874–1962)George V (1865–1936), at Mount Kemmel, South of Ypres, during His Tour of the Western Front, 1917 1917 National Army Museum
HM King George V (1865–1936) 1935–1937 Minnie Walters Anson (1879–1959)HM King George V (1865–1936) 1935–1937 Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum
Reception of George V and Queen Mary at the West Door of St Paul's Cathedral, London, Jubilee Day, 6 May 1935 Frank O. Salisbury (1874–1962)Reception of George V and Queen Mary at the West Door of St Paul's Cathedral, London, Jubilee Day, 6 May 1935 Guildhall Art Gallery
George V (1865–1936) 1932 Denis Fildes (1889–1974) (copy of)George V (1865–1936) 1932 Royal Welch Fusiliers Regimental Museum
George V (1865–1936) 1911–1925 Luke Fildes (1843–1927) (after)George V (1865–1936) 1911–1925 English Heritage, Osborne House
George V (1865–1936) 1911 Henry Alfred Pegram (1862–1937)George V (1865–1936) 1911 Oriel College, University of Oxford
George V (1865–1936) 1937 Frank Ernest Beresford (1881–1967)George V (1865–1936) 1937 HMS Excellent
George V (1865–1936) Luke Fildes (1843–1927)George V (1865–1936) The Royal Hospital Chelsea
George V (1865–1936) 1900–1948 John Kirton (1878–1948)George V (1865–1936) 1900–1948 Kirkleatham Museum
George V Riding His Favourite Pony 'Jock' in Sandringham Great Park c.1935 Alfred James Munnings (1878–1959)George V Riding His Favourite Pony 'Jock' in Sandringham Great Park c.1935 Colchester and Ipswich Museums Service: Ipswich Borough Council Collection
George V (1865–1936) Moussa Ayoub (c.1873–1955)George V (1865–1936) Windsor Guildhall
His Majesty King George V (1865–1936) 1934 John Saint-Helier Lander (1869–1944)His Majesty King George V (1865–1936) 1934 Victoria College, Jersey
George V (1865–1936), 24 July 1935 1935 John Saint-Helier Lander (1869–1944)George V (1865–1936), 24 July 1935 1935 Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery
George V (1865–1936) 1934 John Saint-Helier Lander (1869–1944)George V (1865–1936) 1934 Alderney Court House
King George V Lance Calkin (1859–1936) (reduced copy after)King George V National Portrait Gallery, London
His Majesty King George V (1865–1936) 1911 Georges Bertin Scott (1873–1942)His Majesty King George V (1865–1936) 1911 Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
George V (1865–1936), Reigned 1910–1936 c.1924 Charles Sims (1873–1928)George V (1865–1936), Reigned 1910–1936 c.1924 National Galleries of Scotland: Portrait
George V, in Field Marshal's Uniform, Holding a Baton c.1930 unknown artistGeorge V, in Field Marshal's Uniform, Holding a Baton c.1930 The Munnings Art Museum
George V on the Royal Barge at Henley, 1912 John Fraser (1858–1927)George V on the Royal Barge at Henley, 1912 National Maritime Museum
George V Inspecting the Holcombe Hounds at Houghton Tower 1925 J. F. HarrisonGeorge V Inspecting the Holcombe Hounds at Houghton Tower 1925 Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery