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Saint George
Christian saint and martyr.
Icon with Saint George and the Dragon Russian SchoolIcon with Saint George and the Dragon Victoria Gallery & Museum
Icon of St George slaying the Dragon 15th C–16th C Byzantine School (after)Icon of St George slaying the Dragon 15th C–16th C Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
The Quest of Saint George early 20th C Frank O. Salisbury (1874–1962)The Quest of Saint George early 20th C National Museum Cardiff
Saint George and the Dragon 1930 Alfred Frank Hardiman (1891–1949)Saint George and the Dragon 1930 English Heritage, Eltham Palace
Saint George and the Dragon* 15th C unknown artistSaint George and the Dragon* 15th C Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Landscape with St George and the Dragon Georges Rouault (1871–1958)Landscape with St George and the Dragon The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Finding of the Infant Saint George 1892–1893 Charles March Gere (1869–1957)The Finding of the Infant Saint George 1892–1893 Walker Art Gallery
Altarpiece of Saint George c.1410 Andrés Marçal de Sas (active 1393–c.1410) (attributed to)Altarpiece of Saint George c.1410 Victoria and Albert Museum
Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and George (?) c.1524 Paris Bordone (1500–1571)Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and George (?) c.1524 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Saint George Conducted by Victory c.1913 Alfred Gilbert (1854–1934) (after) and Compagnie des Bronzes de Bruxelles (active 1854–1979)Saint George Conducted by Victory c.1913 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Saint George and the Dragon 1948 Ceri Giraldus Richards (1903–1971)Saint George and the Dragon 1948 Jerwood Collection
Saint George and the Dragon 1480–1500 unknown artistSaint George and the Dragon 1480–1500 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
The Holy Family with a Virgin Martyr, Saint John the Baptist and Saint George (?) c.1510–1520 Northern Italian SchoolThe Holy Family with a Virgin Martyr, Saint John the Baptist and Saint George (?) c.1510–1520 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Saint George and the Dragon c.1530 Master H. L. (active c.1530)Saint George and the Dragon c.1530 Victoria and Albert Museum
Scenes from the Legend of Saint George c.1520 unknown artistScenes from the Legend of Saint George c.1520 Victoria and Albert Museum
Saint George c.1480–1490 unknown artistSaint George c.1480–1490 Victoria and Albert Museum
The Martyrdom of Saint George Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641)The Martyrdom of Saint George Christ Church, University of Oxford
The Virgin and Child with Saints George, James the Greater and a Donor probably about 1500-25 Giovanni Martini da Udine (c.1453–1535) (attributed to)The Virgin and Child with Saints George, James the Greater and a Donor probably about 1500-25 The National Gallery, London
The Virgin and Child with an Angel, Saint George and a Donor about 1480 Hans Memling (1430–1440–1494)The Virgin and Child with an Angel, Saint George and a Donor about 1480 The National Gallery, London
Saint George and the Dragon about 1470 Paolo Uccello (1397–1475)Saint George and the Dragon about 1470 The National Gallery, London