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Peace Memorial
stone & bronze
Accession number
Work type
War memorial
Work status
Unveiling date
2nd November 1919
at all times
Inscription description
to the left of the crucifix, bronze plaque affixed to wall: BENEATH THE ARMS OF / THEIR SAVIOUR / ARE NAMES OF SOME / WHO LAID DOWN THEIR / LIVES FOR THEIR FRIEND; to the right of the crucifix, bronze plaque affixed to wall: ''ETERNAL REST GIVE UNTO / THEM O LORD, AND LET / PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE / UPON THEM. MAY THEY / REST IN PEACE. AMEN.''; on the bronze crucifix base: GREATER LOVE THAN THIS NO / MAN HATH, THAT A MAN LAY / DOWN HIS LIFE FORHIS FRIENDS; above the arch carved into the stone and painted green: Caritas; carved into the stone base of the memorial: ERECTED / IN / THANKSGIVING / FOR PEACE AND / IN PIOUS MEMORY OF / THE FALLEN / 1914 RIP 1919; on face at the top of the stone base, between floral design roundels: A M D G; inscription on the back of the memorial, inscribed letters: BELGAE, PER MAGNUM BELLUM / E PATRIA EXPULSI / HANC IN URBEM ACCEPTI / [HUNC] LAPIDEM EXTRUI CURAVERUNT / UT MEMORES SE OSTENDERENT / TUM HOSPITUM QUI SUSTENTATIONI / CORPORUM [ET] ANIMARUM SALUTI / BENEFICI PROVIDEBANT / TUM CIVIUM SUORUM QUI / INTERIERUNT IN TERRA ALIENA / ANNO DOMINI MCMXX / MEMENTO IN ORATIONIBUS TUIS DEFUNCTORUM / QUORUM NOMINA HIC INSCRIBUNTUR