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First achieved recognition through his association with Kitchen Sink: the gritty, urban realist style that dominated painting in Britain from the early to mid-1950s. Together with the other Kitchen Sink painters Derrick Greaves, John Bratby and Edward Middleditch, he took his subject matter from everyday life. Smith was the only one actually to depict a sink, thus supplying the term by which this tendency became known. He first exhibited at Helen Lessore's celebrated Beaux Arts Gallery, London in 1953. He showed at the Venice Biennale in 1956, the year in which he won first prize at the John Moores Liverpool exhibition. He later adopted a more abstract style, and has continued to exhibit.Having grown up on the same street in Sheffield, Smith and Greaves studied together at the Royal College of Art during which time this portrait was painted.

National Portrait Gallery, London



Jack Smith




oil on canvas


H 28.4 x W 27.9 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

Purchased, 2006

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Normally on display at

National Portrait Gallery, London

St Martin’s Place, London, Greater London WC2H 0HE England

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