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Monument to Francis Gillians
Accession number
Work type
The Churches Conservation Trust
The Churches Conservation Trust
Work status
Listing status
Grade I (England and Wales)
Listing date
time restrictions apply
Access note
check website for opening times
Inscription description
inscribed with black lettering: Here resteth ye Body of Francis Gillians Worsted / Weaver, who By his Will Gave 100L for Binding Apprentices / w(i)th ye Interest Thereof for ye Parishes of St Helen St / Martin at Palace St Simon & Jude, St John at Madder / Market & St Stephen In this City: w(h)i(c)h is Payd Into ye hands / of ye Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, & Com(m)onalty of Norwich, For / an An(n)uity of 5L Granted by them to be Yearly Issuing out / of Butterhills, to Bind Out 1 Boy Yearly An Apprentice for / one of ye same Parishes, begining w(i)th ye 1st, & So on Successively / for ever. He Also gave After ye Decease of his wife, All his hous / es Called Sherrods Gap In St Michael at Thorne Parish of / ye Yearly Rent of 26L 12S or thereabouts, for Ever; upon / trust that ye clear Rent thereof (after taxes & Repairs / Deducted) should be Disposed for Paying ye Minister that Shall / Preach at ye Cathedral from Low Sunday to & upon ye Sunday / next before Advent Sunday, for Reading Prayers & Preach / ing at this Parish ye Same Day in ye Afternoon 10S, when Per / formd as In ye Will directed (except on ye B(isho)p: or Deans Days) & 10S to / ye Minister of this Parish Yearly for Reading Divine Service And / Preaching on St Andrews Day; 2s 6d to him for Giving notice / & Reading Part of his Will ye Sunday next before; 20 S P(e)r Ann(um): to ye / Clarke; & 5 S P(e)r Ann(um): for Candles; 15 S for ye Exp(i)nces of the / Church Wardens at Yearly meeting to Settle ye Accounts; & more for / Cloathing ye Tenants when there Shall be Money to Spare as in / ye Will Express'd: He Dyed ye 20th of Dec: 1719 Aged 64 years / & this Monument was Erected by LYDIA GILLIANS / his Widow and Executrix Pursuant to his Will