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English Heritage, De Grey Mausoleum

Flitton, Nr Ampthill


Lady Jane Hart (d.1673)


1673 (?)




H 360 x W 275 x D 94 cm

Accession number


Work type

Tomb or mausoleum

Inscription description

inscribed: 1673 / Posteritati Sacrum. / Here lyeth the Body of the lady Jane HART Wife and Relict of Sr EUSTACE HART, Knt: She was the daughter of JOHN EVELIN Esqr. / Of Godson in the County of Surry. By her former Husband Sr ANTHONY / BEN Knt She had Issue AMABELLA now Countess Dowager of Kent: / Whose pious Care and Duty Rais'd this as A Lasting Monument / of Her Affection And of Her Greif This Excellent Lady was A / Person of such Unusual Attainments of All Piety and Vertue; that / Her Memory Deserves (as it will) to out live Her Marble. She / liv'd one of the Best patterns of Life: Dy'd one of the Choicest / Spoyls of Death. And will Doubtless Rise one of the most Glori / ous Peices of the Resurrection. God was pleas'd by / giving Her a longer term of Years than Ordinary to bestow / upon Her. A Kind of Immortallity here; and Indeed 'tis Pitty so / much Goodness should ever Dye. Wee that survive have / this to Doe; to Greive, to Imitate, to Followe and finally / to Possess. She Dy'd the 22d of April in the / year 1671. And of Her Age the 83d.


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English Heritage, De Grey Mausoleum

High Street, , Bedfordshire, Flitton, Nr Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 5EJ England

This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue.
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