Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower

Image credit: Tony Bennett / Art UK

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On a two-stepped base, a tall redbrick tower with four single courses of darker bricks below rows of nail head ornament. There is a relief bust of Queen Victoria on its west side and a relief of the royal coat of arms on its north side, all supporting a roofed four-sided clock topped with a crown.

Jubilee Clock Tower




terracotta, brick, wood, stone & metal


H 600 x W (?) x D (?) cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

funded by public subscription

Work type

Clock tower


Usk Town Council


Usk Town Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Unveiling date


Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

on the east side within a plaque: 1887; and at the foot of the tower on its north side inscribed on a square metal plaque with white painted lettering: THIS CLOCK TOWER / WAS ERECTED BY SUBSCRIPTION IN USK / IN / COMMEMORATION OF THE JUBILEE / OF / QUEEN VICTORIA'S REIGN / 1837–1887


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Located at

Twyn Square, Usk

NP15 1BW

Located in the centre of the square.