Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)
Jim McLean (1937–2020)

© the artist. Image credit: Gordon Baird / Art UK

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A statue of the former Manager and Chairman of Dundee United Football Club shown holding a championship cup. The work is on a substantial brick built plinth with a bronze relief panel inset.

Jim McLean (1937–2020)





Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned and donated by Dundee United supporters

Work type


Work status


Unveiling date

18th September 2021


time restrictions apply

Access note

Access when stadium is open – most days during football season.

Inscription description

plaque 1: Jim McLean / Manager 1971-1993 / Chairman 1988-2000; plaque 2: Jim McLean / DUNDEE UNITED LEGEND / with gratitude to the fans and supporters who contributed / to this statue of Jim McLean, including: / Jim McLean Supporters Tribute Group / Dundee United Football Club / Dundee United Community Trust / John Bennett / Laura Conway / jimmy Fyffe / Gordon and Karen Lees / Carmichael and Baxter Groundworks Ltd, Norman Jamieson Ltd, Paint Tec Fife, 2020


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Located at

Tannadice Park, Dundee


Located at the entrance to Tannadice, outside Eddie Thompson Stand.