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Ness Fishery Memorial
stainless steel & brass
H 250 x W 75 x D 75 cm (E)
Accession number
Work type
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Work status
Unveiling date
at all times
Inscription description
top (front): NESS FISHERY MEMORIAL; top (left): BÀTHAIDHEAN; top (right): IASGACH; inner panel (left): Chuir muinntir Sgìre Nis an Carragh- cuinhne seo an àirde ann an 2014 mar chuimhneachan air an fheadhainn a / bha an sàs ann a bhith a'togail Cidhe a'Phuirt agus ann an gnìomhachas an iasgaich, a bha aig aon àm cho / farsaing is cho soirbheachail-dualchas prìseil air am bu chòir cuimhne a chumail. / Nuair a dh'fhiosraicheas ur clann den athraichean ann an àm ri teachd, ag ràdh, 'Ciod is ciall do na clachan seo?' An sin / bheir sibh fios dur cloinn. Iosua 4, 21-22. / THIS MEMORIAL, ERECTED IN 2014 BY THE NESS COMMUNITY, IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORIAL OF ALL THOSE / ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF PORT OF NESS HARBOUR AND WITH ALL WHO WERE ENGAGED IN / IT'S ONCE EXTENSIVE AND PROSPEROUS FISHING INDUSTRY - A PRECIOUS HERITAGE THAT IS WORTHY OF / REMEMBRANCE. / When your children shall ask your fathers in time to come, saying, 'What mean these stones?' Let your children know. Joshua 4, 21-22. / Anns a'bhàrdachd An t-Iasgach a bha am Port Nis le Dòmhnall Macleòid (1881-1963), -Dòmhnall Chalum / Mhurchaidh, an Greusaiche, tha e a'toirt dealbh air ma a bha an t-iasgach ri linn fhèin. Tha a'chiad rann / mar a leanas: / 'Nuair bha mi òg tha cuimhn' agam / Air suinn, is mar a bha / Air daoine bha nan iasgairean / B'e sin a-riamh an ceàrd / Bha sgothan fosgailt lìonmhor ac' / 'S bu bhrèaghsa iad feadh a'bhàigh / Lìn-mhòra 'n t-inneal iasgaigh ac' / Bha ceudan dhiubh san àit'. / Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh tadhlaibh air Commun Eachdraidh Nis ann an seann Sgoil Chrois, / Dail bho Thuath. / For further information visit Comunn Eachdraidh Nis in the former Cross School, North Dell. / LEASACHADH CIDHE A'PHUIRT / B'ann mu 1827 a fhuair Cealagmhol, no Port Nis mar a theirear ris an-diugh, cliù mar bhaile iasgaich. Ann an ùine glè / ghoirid thugadh fa-near gu robh e ann an suidheachadh fàbharach airson gnìomhachas giolllachd èlsg agus mar thoradh / air an seo thogadh a'chiad chidhe air an tuath ann an Leòdhais, crìochnaichte ann an 1837. Mar a leudaich an t-iasgach / chaidh leasachadh a thoirt air a'chidhe ann an trì roinnean eile; b'e am balla-fasgaidh am pìos mu dheireadh a chaidh / a thogail ann an 1900.; further information details the history of the development of the harbour and fishing industry at Port of Ness