Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary
Highland Mary

Image credit: Martin Henderson / Art UK

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Mary Campbell was one of Robert Burns' lovers, immortalised in his song, 'The Highland Lassie O'. The couple had intended to emigrate to Jamaica, but she dies in childbirth shortly after their betrothal, in 1787. Highland Mary is portrayed as a young woman, barefooted, wrapped in a fringed plaid cloak which also covers her head. She gathers it at her throat with her left hand and holds a book in her right, at thigh level. On the ground are some thistles. She is portrayed as she appeared at her last meeting with Burns on he banks of the River Ayr, the book presumably intended to represent the Bible, which Burns has given her.

Highland Mary






H 165 x W 53 x D 57 cm;
Plinth: H 128 x W (?) x D (?) cm

Accession number


Work type



Liverpool City Council


Liverpool City Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Listing date



time restrictions apply

Access note

Palm House opening hours

Signature/marks description

pedestal: B. E. SPENCE / FT. ROMAE

Inscription description

pedestal, front: The golden Hours on angel wings / Flew o'er me and my dearie; / For dear to me as light and life / Was my sweet Highland Mary.; pedestal, left: Robert Burns / born at Alloway 1759 / died at Dumfries 1796


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Located at

Sefton Park, Merseyside

L17 1AP

Located at the Palm House.