George Allardice Riddell (1865–1934), 1st Lord Riddell

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George Riddell is shown sitting on a turned arm dark chair with green Puginesque upholstery, next to dark oak table. He is reading 'My Diary 1908–1914', other books visible with paper marbled edges. Riddell was a solicitor who also became involved in journalism becoming Chairman and Director of the Western Mail and he acquired the News of the World. He was a close friend of David Lloyd George. Lord Riddell was am important patrol for Margaret Lindsay Williams. He first posed for Williams for a large painting of The Welsh National Service in Westminster Abbey’. She painted at least four portraits of him and he made many commissions. Lady Riddell was a former matron at St Thomas’ Hospital and she gifted the Nurses’ Home, Riddell Home, which was opened by Queen Mary in 1937 leading Lady Riddell to commission Margaret Lindsay Williams to paint Queen Mary in 1938 for the Nurses Home at St Thomas’ Hospital.

St Thomas' Hospital, Guy's & St Thomas' Foundation



George Allardice Riddell (1865–1934), 1st Lord Riddell




oil on canvas


H 140 x W 100 cm (E)

Accession number


Work type


Signature/marks description

signed and dated in red: Margaret Lindsay Williams / 1937


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St Thomas' Hospital, Guy's & St Thomas' Foundation

Westminster Bridge Road, London, Greater London SE1 7EH England

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