
© the artist. Image credit: Dewi Lloyd. Courtesy the David and Indrė Roberts Collection

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Caroline Achaintre uses textiles, painting, drawing and ceramics in her work. She is influenced by the twentieth century art movements Primitivism and Expressionism which were both inspired by non-Western and prehistoric imagery. 'Fazes' is made by hand tufting wool. Hand tufting involves punching wool through a fabric sheet to create rugs or carpets. Fazes resembles an animal skin hanging on a wall, like a prize from a hunting trip. This reminds us of the resources the earth provides when it's properly cared for. The bold colours and pattern give the work a domestic feel – it could be a rug in someone's home.

The Roberts Institute of Art







handtufted wool


H 249.9 x W 190 cm

Accession number


Work type

Textile art


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The Roberts Institute of Art

Unit 1, 2 Centric Close, London, Greater London NW1 7EP England

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