Classical Fountain
Classical Fountain
Classical Fountain
Classical Fountain
Classical Fountain

Image credit: Fiona Matthewson / Art UK

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The fountain is no longer in use – the bowls now contain plants. Above each bowl is a cast iron lion's head. The fountain was presented to the village by the Orford family in 1834. The water was collected from the hillside near the parish church and piped into the fountain, where it was stored in a lead tank at the top. The three-arm bracket light fitting was added in 1999, replacing an earlier light, as a permanent memorial to the Millennium. Just outside the railings, surrounding the fountain, is a late-nineteenth-century milestone giving the distances to Stockport and Manchester.

Classical Fountain




sandstone & cast iron


H 114 x W 36 x D 36 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

presented by the Orford family, 1834

Work type

Water fountain, trough or pump


Cheshire East Council


Cheshire East Council

Work status



at all times

Inscription description

THIS FOUNTAIN / WAS ERECTED / BY / RICHARD AND THOMAS / ORFORD ESQ / for the use of the / Inhabitants of Disley / AD 1834


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Located at

Fountain Square, Disley

SK12 2BB