Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall
Chartered Accountants Hall

© the artist's estate. Image credit: Ian Davies / Art UK

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Relief decoration on the outside of the headquarters of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, an imposing landmark building and one of the finest examples of Victorian Baroque architecture. The main entrance is set to the centre of the front elevation and consists of a large porch with paired banded Tuscan columns supporting an open scrolled pediment containing a large cartouche depicting the Institute’s coat of arms, which is held up by two classical male figures. Below the first-floor windows is a continuous sill band in the form of a dentilled cornice interrupted by caryatids by Harry Bates. Set beneath the second-floor windows is a sculptured frieze by Hamo Thornycroft and symbolises all the activities that have benefitted from the service of accountants.


Chartered Accountants Hall


1890 & 1970


Portland stone

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

Work type



Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales


Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times


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