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Isidore's Map 1998 Alex Russell (b.1967)Isidore's Map 1998 Nottingham Trent University
Fragments 1979 Kenneth Cozens (1920–2000)Fragments 1979 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
'Mary Stowe' Brig T. F.'Mary Stowe' Brig Whitby Museum
Bertram Sidney Thomas (1892–1950), Explorer and Arabist c.1918–1931 Walter Westley Russell (1867–1949)Bertram Sidney Thomas (1892–1950), Explorer and Arabist c.1918–1931 Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge
Alfred Haddon 1925 Philip Alexius de László (1869–1937)Alfred Haddon 1925 The Haddon Library, University of Cambridge
Still Life with Mask Henrick Andriessen (1607–1655)Still Life with Mask Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Captain James Cook (1728–1779), Painted at the Cape of Good Hope c.1988–1990 Theodore Ramos (1928–2018)Captain James Cook (1728–1779), Painted at the Cape of Good Hope c.1988–1990 Captain Cook Memorial Museum
Abstract Galaxies (Purple, Blue and Black) 2003 Laura Rayner (b.1981)Abstract Galaxies (Purple, Blue and Black) 2003 Coventry University
William Hutton (1797–1860), FGS 1853 James Shotton (1824–1896)William Hutton (1797–1860), FGS 1853 Quadrant, North Tyneside Council
Chemistry Laboratory at Redruth School of Mines 1897 Margaret J. JenkinChemistry Laboratory at Redruth School of Mines 1897 Camborne School of Mines
Sir Richard Burton's Study 1889 Albert Letchford (1866–1905)Sir Richard Burton's Study 1889 Orleans House Gallery
Still Life with Books and Astronomical Instruments c. 1700 British SchoolStill Life with Books and Astronomical Instruments c. 1700 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
'Shiny Ten' Heyfords 1987 B. R. Briscoe (active 1987–1988)'Shiny Ten' Heyfords 1987 Yorkshire Air Museum
Design for a Mural on the Leggett Building of UOSAT in the Night Sky 1985 Keith Grant (b.1930)Design for a Mural on the Leggett Building of UOSAT in the Night Sky 1985 University of Surrey
Transparent Telepresence Unit Remote Location No. 5 2001 Andy Palmer (b.1979)Transparent Telepresence Unit Remote Location No. 5 2001 Falmouth University
Atomic Flower 1939–1940 John Humphrey Spender (1910–2005)Atomic Flower 1939–1940 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Mars, Orange and Ochre 1960 Terry Frost (1915–2003)Mars, Orange and Ochre 1960 New County Hall
Fête Canaveral 1967 Claude Harrison (1922–2009)Fête Canaveral 1967 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
William Chapman, Master Mariner (1757–1840) unknown artistWilliam Chapman, Master Mariner (1757–1840) Whitby Museum
Sir John Chardin 1711 British SchoolSir John Chardin 1711 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford