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Hospitality, Haven Lane 1985 Charles Anthony Shiels (1947–2012)Hospitality, Haven Lane 1985 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
What's On No. 35 1997 Mike Hoggett (b.1964)What's On No. 35 1997 Falmouth University
Bound by Love 1997 Alexei Grigoriev (b.1949)Bound by Love 1997 Usher Gallery
Wolverhampton Dream 2000 Peter Howson (b.1958)Wolverhampton Dream 2000 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Arcadia c.1760 Richard Wilson (1713/1714–1782) (school of)Arcadia c.1760 Fairfax House
Two Clouds 1968 Laurence Burt (1925–2015)Two Clouds 1968 York Art Gallery
Antoinette 1968 John Bellany (1942–2013)Antoinette 1968 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
After Us, Liberty (Après Nous La Liberté) 1949 Constant (1920–2005)After Us, Liberty (Après Nous La Liberté) 1949 Tate
A Dream of Ancient Athens 1881 Sydney Herbert (1854–1914)A Dream of Ancient Athens 1881 Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds Museums and Galleries
Night Garden 1959 Michael Finn (1921–2002)Night Garden 1959 New County Hall
Precision Dreaming 1985 Ruth Calland (b.1963)Precision Dreaming 1985 Coventry University
My Name Is 2002 John Lewis (b.1981)My Name Is 2002 Coventry University
Canal Fantasy of Deluge, Love and Death 1960s–1980s Barbara Mary Russon (1930–2007)Canal Fantasy of Deluge, Love and Death 1960s–1980s Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
The Same Temptation 1963 HemsThe Same Temptation 1963 Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery
What's On No. 15 1997 Mike Hoggett (b.1964)What's On No. 15 1997 Falmouth University
Man and Spectres 1963 Kenneth Leslie Rowell (1920–1999)Man and Spectres 1963 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Staged 1988 Ian Howard (b.1952)Staged 1988 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
The Meeting 1974 John Bellany (1942–2013)The Meeting 1974 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
The Dream of Eilean Thiriodh 1950–1980 Ian Fleming (1906–1994)The Dream of Eilean Thiriodh 1950–1980 University of Aberdeen
Untitled 1970 Joyce W. Cairns (b.1947)Untitled 1970 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University