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Cavalry Barracks, Colchester c.1990 Charles Debenham (b.1933)Cavalry Barracks, Colchester c.1990 Hollytrees Museum, Colchester and Ipswich Museum Service: Colchester Collection
Nottingham Castle Gateway c.1835–1840 Henry Dawson (1811–1878)Nottingham Castle Gateway c.1835–1840 Nottingham Central Library
Medieval Times* Oliver Kilbourn (1904–1993)Medieval Times* Woodhorn Museum
Place 2 1993 Graham Chorlton (b.1953)Place 2 1993 Coventry University
Bombed Site (Church Street Nuneaton, Warwickshire) 1940s Jack Savage (1908–1986)Bombed Site (Church Street Nuneaton, Warwickshire) 1940s Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery
American Air Force Mural Featuring the Spirit of Aerial Combat 1945 Peter C. Sanders (d.c.1993)American Air Force Mural Featuring the Spirit of Aerial Combat 1945 Clipston Endowed VC Primary School
George Keith (1692/1693?–1778), 10th Earl Marischal 1710–1712 Francesco Trevisani (1656–1746) (attributed to)George Keith (1692/1693?–1778), 10th Earl Marischal 1710–1712 University of Aberdeen
The Battle of Hochkirch, 14 October 1758 1900–1940 George M. Paterson (active 1880–1904) (copy of)The Battle of Hochkirch, 14 October 1758 1900–1940 University of Aberdeen
Colchester 1954 Jack Merriott (1901–1968)Colchester 1954 National Railway Museum
'The Old Mole', the Raid on St Nazaire, Saturday, 28 March 1942 Mark Littlejohn (b.1958)'The Old Mole', the Raid on St Nazaire, Saturday, 28 March 1942 Falmouth Art Gallery
Haverfordwest Castle 1872 William Pitt (c.1818–c.1900)Haverfordwest Castle 1872 Haverfordwest Town Museum
Rhuddlan Castle c.1909 John Lawson (1868–1909)Rhuddlan Castle c.1909 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Tower Bridge 1939–1946 Eve Kirk (1900–1969)Tower Bridge 1939–1946 The National Archives
Anti-Invasion Obstacles on a Road 1940 Stuart Armfield (1916–1999)Anti-Invasion Obstacles on a Road 1940 Imperial War Museum London
Gun Crew 1944 Henry Lamb (1883–1960)Gun Crew 1944 York Art Gallery
Halifax PN167, L8 of 347 Squadron 1987 D. CudbillHalifax PN167, L8 of 347 Squadron 1987 Yorkshire Air Museum
'Friday 13th' Halifax of 158 Squadron in T2 Hanger at Elvington Alex A. Gill'Friday 13th' Halifax of 158 Squadron in T2 Hanger at Elvington Yorkshire Air Museum
Study for 'War Zone' 2001 John Devane (b.1954)Study for 'War Zone' 2001 Coventry University
Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 2* c.2002 Donna Jones (active 2002–2003)Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 2* c.2002 South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Training Centre
Care of Wounded Soldiers at Cardiff Royal Infirmary during the Great War 1916 Margaret Lindsay Williams (1888–1960)Care of Wounded Soldiers at Cardiff Royal Infirmary during the Great War 1916 Cardiff Royal Infirmary