- Artist: Rothenstein, Michael, 1908–1993 Remove
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Michael Rothenstein
Printmaker at Fry Art Gallery, Saffron Walden. Tate Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, British Museum and Museum of Modern Art in New York hold his work.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Blue Circle 1961 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Blue Circle 1961 Fry Art Gallery
Construction in Wood early 1960s Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Construction in Wood early 1960s Fry Art Gallery
The Red Window 1948 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)The Red Window 1948 Fry Art Gallery
Traffic Lights and Landscape c.1955 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Traffic Lights and Landscape c.1955 Fry Art Gallery
The Sun Rising – John Donne 1972 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)The Sun Rising – John Donne 1972 Fry Art Gallery
Study for 'Boat at Burnham on Crouch' Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Study for 'Boat at Burnham on Crouch' Fry Art Gallery
Printing block for 'Graffiti' & 'Whirling Feathers' 1983 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Printing block for 'Graffiti' & 'Whirling Feathers' 1983 Fry Art Gallery
Printing block for Border Design 1980s Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Printing block for Border Design 1980s Fry Art Gallery
Suns & Moons, Studio Prints Gallery 1972 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Suns & Moons, Studio Prints Gallery 1972 Fry Art Gallery
Birds IV Unknown Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Birds IV Unknown Fry Art Gallery
Printing block for 'Red Berries' 1989–1990 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Printing block for 'Red Berries' 1989–1990 Fry Art Gallery
Printing block for 'The Candle' 1983 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Printing block for 'The Candle' 1983 Fry Art Gallery
'First' Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)'First' Fry Art Gallery
Piper & Rothenstein, Zwemmer Gallery 1957 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Piper & Rothenstein, Zwemmer Gallery 1957 Fry Art Gallery
Lino-block, Cockerel Turning Around 1956–1957 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Lino-block, Cockerel Turning Around 1956–1957 Fry Art Gallery
Girl and Cockerel 1957 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Girl and Cockerel 1957 Fry Art Gallery
Michael Rothenstein, Grabowski Gallery 1965 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Michael Rothenstein, Grabowski Gallery 1965 Fry Art Gallery
Structures / Chickens Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Structures / Chickens Fry Art Gallery
Photograph of Michael Rothenstein 1988 Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Photograph of Michael Rothenstein 1988 Fry Art Gallery
Leaf Design Michael Rothenstein (1908–1993)Leaf Design Fry Art Gallery