- Artist: Peacock, Ralph, 1868–1946 Remove
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Ralph Peacock
Painter, born in London, where he died. Entered Royal Academy Schools, where he won a gold medal and Creswick Prize, 1887. Showed at RA from 1888; 10 years later he won a gold medal in Vienna and in 1900 a bronze at Paris Universal Exhibition.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Miss Wilson Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Miss Wilson Burton Art Gallery and Museum
Master Wilson Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Master Wilson Burton Art Gallery and Museum
William Holman Hunt (1827–1910) 1902 Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)William Holman Hunt (1827–1910) 1902 Walker Art Gallery
The Sisters 1900 Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)The Sisters 1900 Tate
Ethel 1897 Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Ethel 1897 Tate Britain
Eileen Fox 1908 Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Eileen Fox 1908 Museum of Farnham
Mrs Maud Isobel Buxton Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Mrs Maud Isobel Buxton Norfolk Museums Service
Bernard Partridge 1930s (?) Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Bernard Partridge 1930s (?) National Portrait Gallery, London
Eva, Lady Rice-Oxley (1861–1940) early 20th C Ralph Peacock (1868–1946)Eva, Lady Rice-Oxley (1861–1940) early 20th C Kensington Central Library