- Artist: Lawson, Mike, b.1944 Remove
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Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
High Table Mike Lawson (b.1944)High Table Victoria Gallery & Museum
The Caledonian Mike Lawson (b.1944)The Caledonian Victoria Gallery & Museum
Allegorical Painting Mike Lawson (b.1944)Allegorical Painting Victoria Gallery & Museum
Abrahams and Isaacson 1971 Mike Lawson (b.1944)Abrahams and Isaacson 1971 Victoria Gallery & Museum
Café des artistes Mike Lawson (b.1944)Café des artistes Victoria Gallery & Museum
Circus Mike Lawson (b.1944)Circus Victoria Gallery & Museum
Dancing Party 1976 Mike Lawson (b.1944)Dancing Party 1976 Victoria Gallery & Museum
Charles Laughton Painting Mike Lawson (b.1944)Charles Laughton Painting Williamson Art Gallery & Museum