Jack Wright was a painter, sculptor and art teacher. He was born on 26th March 1919 in Ecclesall Bierlow, situated in the south-west corner of the city of Sheffield. He worked as a commercial artist in Sheffield during the mid to late 1930s and moved to London about 1940, where he became friendly with fellow artist John Elwyn (1916–1997) and with Elwyn’s circle of artist friends. Wright worked on the land during the Second World War. After 1945, he settled in Christchurch in Hampshire, where he was a tutor at the Southern College of Art in Bournemouth from about 1948. In June/July 1949 he had a joint exhibition of paintings with John Elwyn at the Paul Alexander Gallery in Notting Hill, west London, where he showed 17 works, mainly landscapes of views in and around the Bournemouth area but with some figure subjects too.

Text source: Art Detective

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