Relief – Six Fold Progression on Two Planes 1968
Gillian Wise (1936–2020)
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
Artist working in a wide range of techniques, born in London, who between 1972–90 worked as Gillian Wise Ciobotaru. She studied at Wimbledon School of Art, 1954–7, eventually becoming known as one of the six British Constructivists. Gained a UNESCO Fellowship, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1968; a British Council postgraduate scholarship to the Beaux-Arts, Leningrad, Russia, 1969–70, concentrating on Constructivism at Repin Institute; an Arts Council Award, 1976; and in 1981 a research grant, International Communication Agency, American Embassy. In 1978 Wise was commissioned by the Arts Council to curate the Constructivist section of the Hayward Annual ’78 at Hayward Gallery, in which she participated as an artist. Commissioned works included wall screen with Anthony Hill for the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth II, 1968; wall relief, Nottingham University Hospital, 1973–4; relief panel, Unilever House, 1982; and Engineers, 40 computer images on disk for Textum Ars, Paris, 1991.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)