Martin Williams (b.1954)
Versatile sculptor in various materials, born in London, who in childhood moved to Swansea, Glamorgan, to which in 1978 he returned to establish a studio. Williams completed foundation studies at Swansea College of Art, 1972–3, then graduated in three-dimensional design (sculptural ceramics) at Staffordshire University, 1973–6, gaining his teaching certificate at London University’s Institute of Education, 1976–7. His commissions included the ceramic Woolwich Arsenal Workers, for Woolwich Arsenal Station, 1993; four stoneware reliefs, for Cardiff’s Canal Park entrances, 1994; a stoneware relief and monochrome images on steel for Evanstown Community Centre, 1995; and in Leicestershire the glazed ceramic and concrete Lutterworth Market Place Sculpture, 1997, and powerful, energetic bronze Sporting Success in Leicester City Centre, 1998.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)