Ireland for Holidays: The Giant's Causeway c.1927
Norman Wilkinson (1878–1971)
National Railway Museum
Oil and watercolour painter, printmaker and poster designer, born in Cambridge. Although early on he studied figure painting in Paris, further study with the river and coastal painter Louis Grier in Cornwall reinforced Wilkinson’s growing belief that he should concentrate on marine subjects, of which he became a master. He also studied art at Portsmouth and Southsea School of Art and later taught there. His career as an illustrator began with a first acceptance by the Illustrated London News in 1898, a publication with which he was long associated. He travelled widely abroad, in Europe, the Mediterranean area and in North and South America. In both world wars Wilkinson was important in the development of camouflage techniques, and he presented a big series of pictures concerned with the war at sea to the nation.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)