Painter in oil and watercolour, illustrator, wood engraver and poster designer. Born at Isleworth, Middlesex, Berty White and his wife Betty became noted bohemians, travellers by caravan, regular attenders of the Chelsea Arts Ball and singers and collectors of folk songs. He was at St John’s Wood Art School, 1911–12, early on becoming friends with advanced painters such as Mark Gertler and C R W Nevinson. White and Nevinson together painted a Futurist version of Hampstead Heath on Fair Day for the 1913 AAA exhibition. White exhibited with the LG and NEAC from 1916. First one-man show at the Paterson and Carfax Gallery in 1921. Illustrated a number of books, including Cyril Beaumont’s Impressions of the Russian Ballet, Richard Jefferies’ The Story of my Heart and Henry Thoreau’s Walden, indicating a love of the countryside which inspired many of his pictures.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)