Painter, printmaker and draughtsman of strongly autobiographical and emotional works often featuring animals, richly coloured and with Symbolist, Surrealist and Expressionist undertones. He was born in Glasgow and studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, 1977–81; he won the RSA’s Chalmers-Jervis Prize, a Duncan of Drumfork Travelling Scholarship, a Patrick Allan-Fraser Scholarship and a British Institute Prize in 1980, with a Farquhar Reid Travelling Scholarship in 1981. From 1981–4 studied at Royal Academy Schools, in 1982 gaining the Dorothy M Morgan Prize, in 1984 the J van Bueren Wittman Prize and in 1984–5 a fellowship at Cardiff College of Art. Group exhibitions included Forebank Gallery, Dundee, 1978; Dundee Printmakers, Printmakers Workshop, Dundee, 1981; Scottish Drawing Exhibition, Paisley Art Institute, 1985; The Vigorous Imagination, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 1987; and The Vigorous Imagination – Ten Years On, The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, 1997.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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