Alfred Turner was born in London, England on 28 May 1874 and was the son of Charles Edward Halsey-Turner, an artist. He studied at South London Technical Art School in Lambeth and, from 1895 to 1898 at the Royal Academy Schools in London, where in 1897 he was awarded a Gold Medal and a travelling scholarship enabling him to study for a period in Paris. Following his return to London he worked as an assistant in the studio of the sculptor Harry Bates (1850-1899). He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1894 and continued to do so regularly until 1937. He also exhibited at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool; Aberdeen Artists' Society; Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts; and at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh. He also participated in the Palace of Arts Empire Exhibition Scotland, 1938.

Text source: Arts + Architecture Profiles from Art History Research net (AHRnet)

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