Artist and teacher whose output included abstract works, as in Arts Council collection. He studied at Royal College of Art, and was a travelling scholar. Troostwyk was head of painting at Winchester School of Art, 1964–7; head of sculpture at Sydney College of Arts, 1977–9; and was a visiting lecturer at Slade School of Fine Art and Chelsea School of Art. Group exhibitions included Kursaal, Ostend, and Galerie 20, Amsterdam, both 1968; Annely Juda Gallery, 1969; Axiom Gallery, 1970; Objects and Documents, Arts Council, 1972; Biannual, Sydney, 1976; Tate Gallery (which holds his work), books, 1982; and Artspace, Sydney, 1984. Solo exhibitions included University of Southampton, 1966; Kasmin, 1971; ICA, 1974; Felicity Samuel Gallery, 1977; Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, 1979; Matt’s Gallery from 1979; Akumulatory Gallery, Poznan, 1980, and Private Act (with publication), at Robert Sandelson, 1999.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)