Abstract Painting late 1950s–early 1960s
Julia Trevelyan Oman (1930–2003)
University of Bristol Theatre Collection
Designer and photographer, married to the former director of the Victoria & Albert Museum Sir Roy Strong, 1971. Oman was the daughter of the historian of silver Charles Oman, a keeper at the Victoria & Albert Museum which she often visited as a child. She was educated at Royal College of Art as a Royal Scholar, 1953, in 1955 gaining a Silver Medal. She designed for BBC Television, 1955–7, then was engaged in designing for the theatre, opera, ballet, films, television and exhibitions. Her credits included the play 40 Years On, 1968; a number of operas for Covent Garden, including La Bohème, 1974; the ballet A Month in the Country, 1976; the film Alice in Wonderland, 1966; the television production Separate Tables, 1982; and the exhibition Samuel Pepys, at National Portrait Gallery, 1971.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)