Painter of lyrical abstract forms, using a muted palette, born in Surrey, distantly related to the traveller and writer Wilfred Thesiger and the actor Ernest Thesiger. She gained an honours degree in fine art, painting, at Maidstone College of Art, 1983–6, with a postgraduate diploma at the Royal Academy Schools in painting, 1986–9. In 1987 she won the Winsor and Newton Prize, in 1988 the Turner Gold Medal for Landscape and the Creswick Prize for Drawing. Studied painting at the British School at Rome, 1989–90, with an Abbey Major Scholarship. Group shows included Three English Artists, Universita di Pavia, Italy, 1991; Contemporaries I, The Eagle Gallery, 1993; Oriel Mostyn Open, Llandudno, 1995; and Ace! Arts Council Collection new purchases tour, 1996–7.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)