Artist mainly in oil but also in other painting media, plus various three-dimensional materials including stone, wood and resins. He was born and lived in London and studied at East Ham Art College from 1976, in parallel studying conservation and restoration. Stevenson then worked in industrial design; for over six years in the British Museum’s conservation department; then for over three with Plowden & Smith, restorers to the Queen. From mid-1989 Stevenson was a freelance artist and consultant. Most of his work, which included “copies and pastiches of old master paintings or museum-grade one-off replicas of three-dimensional objects has been done to commission”. Stevenson was a member of the conservation unit of the Museums and Galleries Commission and The Save Rembrandt Society.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)