Painter mainly in oil and occasionally acrylic, and teacher, born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was also known as N W J Smyth. Self-taught as an artist, Smyth gave lessons in private classes and for adult education. His main interests were “light and its effect on colour and form, the human figure in its traditional environment”. Smyth was an associate of RUA, also taking part in group shows at RHA; Irish National Portrait Exhibition in Dublin; the Mall, King Street and Oliver Swann Galleries; and Ulster Arts Club, Belfast. Solo exhibitions included Ardowen Arts Centre, Enniskillen; Bell Gallery, Belfast; and Oriel Gallery, Dublin. Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland holds his work. Lived in Hillsborough, County Down.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)