Artist who studied at Wymondham College, Norwich Art School and Slade School of Fine Art. He had strong Pop affiliations, his 1960s work being especially influential. The artist Richard Hamilton called Self “the best draughtsman in England since William Blake”; when he “went through a period painting landscape watercolours, it was as though Cotman had come to life again”. Had many group shows including Galleria Milano, Milan, 1965; Camden Arts Centre, 1967; Tokyo International Print Biennale, 1969; Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1972–3; China and Hong Kong tour, 1982; Comic Iconoclasm, ICA, 1987; and Chappel Galleries, Chappel, Continuing the Tradition, 1993. Solo shows included Piccadilly Gallery, 1964–5; Alecto Gallery, 1968; Fermoy Centre, King’s Lynn, 1979; ICA, 1986, and Tate Gallery, 1995–6.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)