'Baron of Buchlyvie' Horse PortraitStuart Reid (1883–1971)
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Deraa: The Arab Welcome to the First Handley Page Machine to Arrive in Palestine, 22 September 1918Stuart Reid (1883–1971)
IWM (Imperial War Museums)
Bombing of the Wadi Fara, 20 September 1918Stuart Reid (1883–1971)
IWM (Imperial War Museums)
A Handley Page Aeroplane Bombing Nabulus by NightStuart Reid (1883–1971)
IWM (Imperial War Museums)
The Bott IncidentStuart Reid (1883–1971)
IWM (Imperial War Museums)
Lieutenant McNamara: Winning the VC in the Course of a Bombing Raid in the Wadi Hesi, 10 Miles East-North-East of Gaza, Palestine, 20 March 1917Stuart Reid (1883–1971)
IWM (Imperial War Museums)
'A Clydesdale Mare', 'Imogene', and Foal, 'Jean Armour'Stuart Reid (1883–1971)