Painter, born in Brighton, Sussex, whose oil on canvas Outlaw Vortex won a prize at the 2004–5 John Moores Liverpool Exhibition. It was based on a painting of Robin Hood by the nineteenth-century artist Richard Dadd, “twisted on a photocopier, creating a low-budget vortex”. Pollard’s aim was “to draw upon ruralist and folkloric subject-matter and present it in a brutal, romantic manner.” After studying at Brighton College of Technology, 1995, Pollard attended Glasgow School of Art, 1996–9, where he was artist-in-residence, 2001–2, with a solo show in the latter year. Group exhibitions included Haunted Swing, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, and East International, Norwich, both 2003, and Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, 2004. In 2003 he had a one-man exhibition at the Andrew Mummery Gallery.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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