Painter, poet, writer and teacher, born in Dublin, Ireland, who in 1959 graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast, in French, Spanish and philosophy. After writing and painting on lbiza and then living in Dorset, 1959–60, from 1961–90 taught English in a secondary school in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where he settled, then painted full-time. Pakenham published several collections of poetry, including The Last Day, 1980. He won a number of Arts Council of Northern Ireland awards, gained the RUA’s Conor Prize in 1985 and its Silver Medal in 1986, in 1987 being elected an academician. Took part in group and mixed shows, including Group 63, 1963–73; 4 Ulster Painters at Lurgan Arts Festival, 1966; Art for Society, at Whitechapel Art Gallery and Ulster Museum in Belfast, 1978; and 5 Artists, Wyvern Gallery, Dublin, 1991.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)