Artist, born in Mexico City, who was included in the inaugural Bowieart show BLOC at the County Hall Gallery in 2005. In that, he continued “investigation into the principles and world-weariness of office work; the artist creates a fantastical escape out of the materials he finds himself surrounded by during a stint as a jobsworth.” Ayala graduated with honours in visual arts, La Esmeralda, National Center for the Arts, Mexico, 1995–00, gaining his fine art master’s at Glasgow School of Art in combination with Hunter College, New York, in America, 2001–3. His exhibitions included Altazor, Cloister of Sor Juana, Mexico City, 1996; Designata, Central Gallery of the National Center for the Arts, 1998; Majority Rules, Free Gallery, Glasgow, 2002; Scottish Drawing, Xian and Beijing in China, Catch me if you can, National Gallery in Tirana in Albania, and Rock Candy, Mariakappel, Hoorn, Netherlands, all 2003; and Scope, White House Hotel, 2004.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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