Painter, born in north Wales. She was educated at Caernarvon and Llandudno Grammar Schools. Studied from 1963–8 at Department of Fine Art, University of Newcastle, then did postgraduate studies at University of Reading, 1968–70. In 1970 went to be lecturer in extra-mural studies at Sunderland College of Art, four years later beginning to paint in London. Showed at Hatton Gallery, Newcastle, in mid-1960s, winning the Hatton Scholarship in Painting in 1967. Also showed at LG, Reading University and with SPACE Studios Group Show, Francis Graham-Dixon Gallery and in South Bank Centre touring show of 1989 The Tree of Life. She was featured in the 2002 John Moores Liverpool Exhibition. Had solo exhibitions at Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 1979, and Nicola Jacobs Gallery from 1980.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)