Artist, notable for torn-paper works, and teacher, born in Glasgow. His creations could combine grace and deftness with a dash of Surrealism. Studied at Scarborough School of Art, 1956–60, and at University of London, 1960–1. Taught at West Surrey College of Art and Design, in Farnham. He was included in The British Art Show, organised by Arts Council with tour, 1980, chosen by the critic William Packer; later group exhibitions included The Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, prizewinner, 1996, and Hunting Art Prizes, London & Bath, from 1997. Solo shows included Hester van Royen Gallery, 1977, Glen Hanson Gallery, Minneapolis, 1979, Scarborough Art Gallery, 1987, Art First from 1996, Stephen Lacey, 1999 (where Milroy exhibited large graphite drawings on paper inspired by a house in the Cevennes, France), and Six Chapel Row, Bath, 2002.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)