Sculptor and draughtsman who was born in London, studied at St Martin’s School of Art, 1971–2, Brighton Polytechnic, 1972–5, and Chelsea School of Art, 1975–6, eventually settling in Dorset. Meyrick produced elegant abstract geometric sculptures, examples in painted plywood being held by Leeds Museums and Galleries. The Arts Council and British Council also own his work. Meyrick wrote that, although his long-term use of a restricted geometrical vocabulary might suggest a totally rational method, he had found that “a configuration will need to combine visual complexity with simplicity of form to be successful. A more subjective approach informs this and other decisions as the piece is realised; such as scale, the relative thickness of material and choice of colour.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)