Born in Berkshire, Mence was “a plein air painter whose work usually features water and figures within an envelope of light and atmosphere.” He was taught to draw in the academic manner by his prep school master and London stage artist Tam Black, 1962–8; in oils by the professional portrait and landscape artist Bunny Stone, 1964–8; and drawing and painting under Morgan Laimbeer, at Bradfield College, 1968–73, and was thereafter self-taught. The Newlyn School, English Impressionism and Australia’s Heidelburg School were among numerous influences. Although he wished to attend art college, Mence was dissuaded, so was an amateur artist from 1973–90, with time at Sandhurst, 1976, then while engaged in the security industry in Japan.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)