John McKenna (b.1964)
Versatile sculptor, born in Manchester, who studied at Worcester Technical College and Middlesex Polytechnic, in 1987 winning a three-year bursary to work under the patronage of Elisabeth Frink at the Sir Henry Doulton School of Sculpture in Staffordshire. In 1993 he founded and subsequently led Art for Architecture, a loose group of artists, designers and craftsmen in various media who collaborated on public commissions. The Art for Architecture/John McKenna website listed a huge range of work completed. Among projects in which McKenna was involved were two bronze roundels, designed by Steve Field, King Lear and Fosse Plaza: Fosse Way, both 1997, for Fosse Park, Leicestershire; Sculptural Steel Gates, 1998, at Coombes Croft Library, Haringey; and the brick relief Rugby’s Industrial Heritage, 2000, on public lavatories at North Street, Rugby.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)