Painter and printmaker, born in Stirling, Scotland. He was noted for his meticulous depictions of piles of old books. Attended Edinburgh College of Art, 1974–8, having a postgraduate year, 1978–9. From 1980 McDonald exhibited in numerous mixed shows, including Lothian Printmakers, Edinburgh City Arts Centre, 1981; New Scottish Prints, at New York City Gallery, 1983; New Art from Scotland, Warwick Arts Trust, 1986; 1987 Humberside Print Biennal, where he wasa prizewinner; and Consumenta Art Fair, Nuremberg, 1990. Among the artist’s awards was the Andrew Grant Travelling Scholarship to Paris, 1978; British Council Travel Grant to Belgium, 1985; the IBM Purchase Prize, 1986; the Falkiner Award, 1987; and the N S Macfarlane Charitable Trust Award, 1990.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)