Painter, draughtsman and teacher, born in London, where he lived. Attended Battersea Polytechnic, St Martin’s School of Art, 1936–8, then Malvern School of Art, 1940–5, under Victor Moody, and London University Institute of Education. For several years after World War II Markham designed for a West End dress firm, in a secondary school, and was lecturer in charge of fine and applied art at Hitchin College, Hertfordshire. Markham produced still life and figure paintings with a serene atmosphere. Shared a show with Eric Doitch and Mary FitzPayne at South London Art Gallery, 1971, with solo exhibitions at Whibley Gallery, Oxford Union and Letchworth Art Gallery. Nuffield Foundation held his work. Markham died in north London.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)