Sculptor and administrator, born in Edinburgh, son of Sir Robert Lorimer, the architect. Although he began to study at Oxford University in 1928, Lorimer moved to Edinburgh College of Art to study architecture and sculpture under Alexander Carrick, who was keen on direct stone-carving. An Andrew Grant Travelling Scholarship took Lorimer to France and Italy in the early 1930s, then a Fellowship enabled him to work with Eric Gill. Gill’s influence and that of Romanesque French church carving profoundly affected Lorimer’s output, as did Gill’s belief that the artist collaborated with God in the creative effort. During World War II Lorimer helped the British Council put on fine exhibitions at the National Gallery of Scotland. After the war with Maxwell Allen he worked on major monumental sculptures which included figures on the front of the National Library of Scotland.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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