(b Prato, c.1457; d Florence, 18 Apr. 1504). Florentine painter, the son and pupil of Filippo Lippi, who died when the boy was about 12. Filippino (‘little Filippo’) later studied with Botticelli and learned much from his expressive use of line, but Filippino's style, although sensitive and poetic, is more robust than his master's. His first major commission (c.1485) was the completion of Masaccio's fresco cycle in the Brancacci Chapel of S. Maria del Carmine, a task he carried out with such skill and tact that it is sometimes difficult to tell where his work begins and that of more than half a century earlier ends. Among his other frescos, the most important are cycles on the life of St Thomas Aquinas (1488–93) in the Caraffa Chapel, S.
Text source: The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists (Oxford University Press)