(b ?Kent, ?1699/1700; d London, 30/31 Jan. 1765). The leading English landscape painter of his day. He began his career working in the style of John Wootton and also learned something of the principles of ideal landscape composition from studying the work of Gaspard Dughet. As well as painting handsome works essentially in Dughet's manner, Lambert also did more realistic topographical views. Sir Ellis Waterhouse has written of him: ‘Lambert was the first native painter to apply the rules of art to the English rural scene, and, in this sense, Wilson followed him.’ The figures in Lambert's paintings were done by other artists—sometimes, according to plausible tradition, by Hogarth. He also collaborated with Samuel Scott (who painted the shipping) in views of the East India Company's settlements (1732, India Office Library, London).
Text source: The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists (Oxford University Press)