Artist, designer and lecturer, working in oil, watercolour, gouache and pastel, born and lived in Glasgow, where he attended the School of Art, 1953–8, taught by David Donaldson. Worked as a designer, 1960–75, began painting then and was in 1977 a part-time lecturer at Glasgow School of Art. He was president of Glasgow Art Club, 1988–91, and honorary secretary of Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts from 1991. Won many prizes at the Institute. Also showed at RA, RSA, RP, Fine Art Society, Seen Gallery and elsewhere in group exhibitions. Later solo shows included Barclay Lennie Fine Art, Glasgow, from 1986. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Arthur Andersen and Fleming’s hold examples.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)