“Scholar, artist and spiritual teacher”, born in London, who early developed an interest in making things, experimenting with plaster. After attending Wimbledon School of Art King signed up with Guidici, the monumental stonemasons, helping restore the House of Commons. He also worked for Sir Charles Wheeler and moved to the Abbey Art Centre, started by the collector and founder of the Berkeley Galleries, William Ohly, as an artists’ commune. While at Abbey King became employed part-time by Henry Moore, initially on the fourth component of the Time-Life frieze in Bond Street, which led to regular work for Moore. In 1953 King was appointed by Frank Martin as a part-time sculpture lecturer at St Martin’s School of Art, recommended by Anthony Caro.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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